Parabolan โ€“ Swiss Healthcare

(1 customer review)


Parabolan (Flexabolan) is a brand name for trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate or trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate. It is a synthetic anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS). It belongs to the nandrolone group and is meant for injections.
The medicine is one of the most potent steroids with high mass-building capacity. It increases protein synthesis and proteins are the main building blocks of muscles.



Parabolan (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbon 76.5 mg. | 10 amp. X 1 ml.)

The available materials indicate that it is a remedy abused primarily by strength athletes and bodybuilders. It is said to have a very high anabolic action in addition to high androgenic efficiency. Unlike other high-androgenic means, it does not aromatise, since the active substance does not convert to estrogens. That is why there are no feminising phenomena provoked by the abuse of this remedy. Water retention is also very low, which predisposes it to be abused, especially in preparation for competitions. Its effective connection with a diet poor in calories but rich in proteins is reported. The result is excellent post-workout regeneration, hard to brutally dense muscle mass with high veins. Perhaps the significant power potential possessed by the doping sinner, abusing this means, is a matter of course.
Trenbolone is claimed not to be a year-round abused anabolic-androgenic steroid. The duration of use is limited to only a few weeks due to its toxicity. It represents an enormous burden on the kidneys, and to a lesser extent on the liver. Mention is made of cases where doping drinkers abusing this remedy for a long time urinated blood in the end. Increased fluid intake (3-5 litres) when abusing Trenbolone is considered by many to be a necessity. Acne and hair loss are said to occur only rarely.
Abused doses: available information indicates that doses in the range of 76-228 mg per week are most often abused. Naturally, here, too, combinations depend on what period this remedy is abused. For an increase in volume, the combination with the means stanozolol, methandienone and oxymetholone is abused. The gain in muscle hardness and density is supposedly ensured by the combination of oxandrolone, but also with growth hormone.



Swiss Healthcare

Reviews (1)

1 review for Parabolan โ€“ Swiss Healthcare

  1. Lewis_83

    I recently tried Parabolan, this popular anabolic steroid, and wanted to share my thoughts on it. This review is solely based on my personal experience.

    Muscle gains: I can see significant muscle gains while using Parabolan. it helped me achieve a more ripped and muscular physique with improved definition and vascularity.

    Strength enhancement: There is a notable increase in my strength levels after incorporating Parabolan into my training regimen. I felt more powerful and capable of lifting heavier weights, leading to improved performance in the gym or on the field.
    Enhanced fat loss: I can also recommend Parabolan for its ability to promote fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass. I can say that it helped me achieve a more shredded and lean appearance.

    Absolutely recommend it! Great quality for even greater price!

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